Transform Supply Chains with Blockchain

Kaleido's enterprise platform brings together everything businesses need to modernize supply chain processes.

Trusted by Supply Chain Leaders and Innovators
Benefits To Supply Chains

How Blockchain Helps Streamline the Management of Supply Chains

Blockchain's popularity in supply chain management comes from its ability to provide transparency, security, and efficiency.

By employing a decentralized and immutable ledger, it ensures that all parties in the supply chain have access to the same information, thereby reducing discrepancies and fraud.

Transactions are also recorded in real-time, improving traceability and accountability. All this reduces delays, human errors, and costs, enhancing the overall efficiency of the supply chain.

Increasing Efficiency

Blockchain increases efficiency by enabling real-time, transparent tracking of transactions, reducing discrepancies and delays, and eliminating intermediaries.

Creating Transparency

Blockchain increases transparency by providing a decentralized ledger where all transactions are recorded and visible to every participant, ensuring openness and accountability in operations.

Improving Trust

Blockchain increases trust by using cryptographic techniques to create an immutable, decentralized ledger, ensuring data integrity and authenticity throughout a supply chain.
Use Cases

Kaleido Is Helping Supply Chains Digitize Legacy Systems

Blockchain enhances supply chains by providing immutable, transparent, and decentralized data management, crucial for traceability, transparency, and reducing fraud.

Kaleido aids by offering blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) solutions, simplifying adoption with pre-built tools for supply chain integration, smart contracts, and secure data sharing among stakeholders.

Traceability and Transparency

Tracks goods from origin to consumer, ensuring transparency across the supply chain, reducing fraud and improving authenticity verification.

Smart Contracts

Automates contract execution based on predefined conditions, improving efficiency and reducing disputes in procurement, logistics, and payments.

Inventory Management

Real-time updates streamline inventory tracking, reducing errors and optimizing stock levels based on accurate data across multiple parties.

Risk Management

Identifies and mitigates risks by providing real-time data on supply chain disruptions, enabling proactive decision-making and resilience planning.

Provenance Tracking

Records on blockchain verify the origin and journey of products, ensuring compliance with ethical and regulatory standards, crucial for industries like food and luxury goods.

Supplier Management

Enhances supplier relationships by securely verifying credentials and performance history, fostering trust and optimizing supplier selection and management.
What Kaleido Does

A Radically Different Approach to Blockchain and Digital Assets

Kaleido's platform is built from the ground up to make creating complete blockchain solutions quick and easy. You can create scalable and secure networks with a few clicks. Your path to production is also accelerated with a full suite of pluggable on-chain and off-chain services. 

How Kaleido Works

Kaleido's console and APIs make blockchain simple, letting your team concentrate on building applications that provide real business value.
Once your network and services are up and running, manage operations, onboard new members, and scale your services with click button simplicity.

How Kaleido's Used

Build Modern Business Networks
Create Instant, Borderless Blockchains
Create and Utilize Digital Assets
Digitize Legacy Back Office Processes

The Benefits for Supply Chains

Get to Production 10x Faster
Reduce Build Costs by 80%
No Gas Fees
Fast Processing Times
Configurable Consensus Protocols

Kaleido Is the #1 Digital Asset and Blockchain Platform on G2

Learn why companies ranging from large global institutions to cutting-edge start-ups have chosen Kaleido as the #1 asset tokenization and blockchain as a service provider.

Ease of Use
Quality of Support
Why Supply Chain Businesses Choose Kaleido

Take Control of Your Blockchain Strategy

Kaleido's platform is different because it has everything businesses need to create complete blockchain solutions. With just a few clicks, you can create a network, deploy it globally, set up governance, and include additional services.

Quickly Launch Networks

Launch networks in minutes
Choose from leading protocols including Ethereum, Polygon Edge, Hyperledger Fabric and more
Select permissioned chains, appchains,  sidechains, or consortium chains
Deploy on AWS, Azure or on-prem
Stand up nodes worldwide in regions of your choice

Simplify Development to Get to Production Fast

Access 40+ plug-and-play services for wallets, key management, storage, data, and more
Automate management and deployment with our fully API-enabled platform
Turn any smart contract into familiar APIs with our smart contract API generator
Make digital assets, NFTs, and consortia easy with our dedicated solutions

All Backed by Enterprise-Grade Infrastructure and Support

Modern cloud scale architecture
Built-in high availability and disaster recovery
ISO 27k and SOC 2 Type 2 certified
Integrate seamlessly with existing internal systems
Open source tech and no vendor lockin
24x7 support and SLAs
Rated #1
Asset Tokenization & Blockchain on G2
Blocks Mined on Kaleido Chains
Developers Across 30+ Countries
Digital Transformation Projects

Ready to Transform Supply Chains?

Try our service for free or contact one of our experts to learn how Kaleido can help you.