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Polygon Edge is Now Available on Kaleido

Steve Cerveny
Founder & CEO
July 21, 2022
Polygon Edge is Now Available on Kaleido
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At ETHCC Paris, we announced a new partnership with Polygon to accelerate enterprise adoption of web3 through the combined power of Kaleido and Polygon’s technology. As the first step on that journey, Polygon Edge is now available on Kaleido in beta and can be chosen as a protocol option when creating an environment.  Launch your Edge chain today in just minutes on Kaleido!

What is Polygon Edge

Polygon Edge is a new and emerging framework for building Ethereum chains. Unlike Quorum which forked public Ethereum’s Geth codebase, Edge has built its engine from scratch.  This is part of an exciting and growing trend from public blockchain communities to focus on technology for “App Chains”--which are essentially dedicated chains like the ones that enterprises have long preferred.

Why Edge (and Edge on Kaleido) is a Big Deal

In building Edge from scratch and optimizing it as an App Chain framework, the team behind this open source project has made a blazing fast engine that has performed very well in our internal tests.

As cool as that is, what has us truly excited to partner with Polygon and the Edge team are the stated goals of where this framework is going.  Providing bridges to move things (NFTs) and value (coins) across other Edge chains and permissionless EVM chains like Ethereum mainnet is a huge innovation for the Web3 ecosystem. In addition, making it easy to roll up state to a parent chain (such as Polygon mainnet) will take App Chains to a whole new level.

Edge on Kaleido will make it possible to build high performance, gas free chains that connect to the rest of the public blockchain ecosystem with just a few clicks and a few minutes of your time. We see huge potential for this technology to transform the blockchain landscape.

There are many additional qualities that make Edge a great choice for deployment including:

  • Developed by Polygon Technology: The Polygon team will incorporate over time other emerging technologies like zero knowledge proofs, and identity and storage solutions.
  • Full EVM Support: Works natively with Ethereum tooling, libraries, and development tools
  • Consensus Algorithms: Supports proof of authority and proof of stake
  • Cross-Chain Communication: Transfer ERC-20 tokens or ERC-721 (NFTs) to any EVM compatible network
  • Gasless Transactions: Build your chain for your needs with 0 gas fees

Polygon Edge on Kaleido

With this partnership, Polygon’s mission to bring the world to Ethereum via vibrant scaling solutions meets Kaleido’s enterprise-grade development platform — giving Enterprises a new set of tools to stand up game-changing networks in minutes.

Here’s what you get when you build with Polygon Edge on Kaleido:

  • Version 0.4.1: The latest version of Polygon Edge and updates for new features
  • Proof of Authority + IBFT Consensus: Out of the box PoA consensus support, with PoS in the near future
  • Validator & Non-Validator Nodes: Each organization gets their own set of Polygon Edge runtimes
  • Smart Contract Deployment: Easily deploy your own smart contracts with Kaleido’s Smart Contract Management system
  • Token Support: Mint, transfer, and manage ERC20, ERC721 or ERC 1155 tokens
  • Data Explorer: Monitor blockchain transactions on your Polygon Edge network

Since Polygon Edge is running on the robust Kaleido platform, you also enjoy:

  • Hosting: Instant, secure, and dynamic cross-cloud networks spanning AWS, Azure, or on-prem.
  • Developer-friendly APIs: REST API gateway with event streaming over websockets or webhooks
  • Flexibility: Global deployment footprint
  • Stability: High Availability and Disaster Recovery infrastructure
  • Backups: On-demand snapshot backups of your data and configuration
  • Dedicated Support: 24x7 support available, backed by deep subject matter expertise
  • Enterprise-grade Compliance: ISO27001 and SOC2 Type 2 compliance
  • World-class Experience: Experience running the world’s major blockchain networks across financial services, supply chain, healthcare, insurance, agriculture, government, media & entertainment, retail, industrial, and more

Launch a Polygon Edge Chain in Minutes

First, create a Kaleido account if you don't have one. Then create an environment, select "Standard Blockchain Service”, and choose Polygon Edge as your protocol. This will automatically create a Polygon Edge node and blockchain interface. From there you will be able to begin building on Polygon Edge.

For a complete guide, read our Polygon Edge Quickstart in the Kaleido docs. You can also see the steps for creating a Polygon Edge chain in the video below.

To stay up to date and learn more about Kaleido, participate in AMAs with our team members, or learn about the latest news in Enterprise Blockchain, please join our Discord.

Try Polygon Edge on Kaleido Today!

Getting started with Polygon Edge is easy. Check out the walkthrough video, then create a free Kaleido account—you'll be building in no time.

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Try Polygon Edge on Kaleido Today!

Getting started with Polygon Edge is easy. Check out the walkthrough video, then create a free Kaleido account—you'll be building in no time.

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Try Polygon Edge on Kaleido Today!

Getting started with Polygon Edge is easy. Check out the walkthrough video, then create a free Kaleido account—you'll be building in no time.

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Try Polygon Edge on Kaleido Today!

Getting started with Polygon Edge is easy. Check out the walkthrough video, then create a free Kaleido account—you'll be building in no time.

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