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NFT Royalties: Unlocking Creative Earnings

Marc Lewis
Managing Editor
May 24, 2024
NFT Royalties: Unlocking Creative Earnings
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NFT royalties offer a groundbreaking way for creators to earn continuous income from their digital works. Unlike traditional sales, where artists only profit from the initial transaction, NFT royalties ensure that creators receive a percentage of sales each time their NFT changes hands. This automated process is facilitated by smart contracts, providing a sustainable revenue stream. Whether you’re an artist, musician, or content creator, NFT royalties empower you to monetize your work over its entire lifecycle, fostering long-term financial stability and creative freedom.

What Are NFT Royalties?

Non-fungible tokens, NFTs, are unique assets minted using blockchain technology. Anything in the real-world can be represented as a digital asset, but here we’re talking about digital things that are verifiable, trackable, and limited. The whole idea of NFTs is that they’re one of a kind.

This has made NFTs attractive to digital artists because they can create a piece of work, verify its authenticity, and sell it online.

Royalties are programmed into the NFT via smart contract. A smart contract allows us to trigger a transaction based on certain criteria. Here, we can trigger payments back to the original creator each time an NFT is sold.

The structure of the royalty is up to the person or company that mints the NFT. It can be a flat fee, paid each time an item is sold, or a percentage of the sale price. The possibilities here are endless, and this flexibility is an attractive way to open new streams of revenue.

A good example is the Bored Ape NFT collection where the creators, Yuga Labs, receive 2.5% of each sale as a royalty.

this infographic illustrates how nft royalties are split
This infographic shows how a smart contract can automatically return a portion of future sales to the original creator.

Benefits to Business

NFT royalties are a way to profit from subsequent sales. This has clear value to makers who want to control their work on the web, especially as we think about issues with rights and ownership as items are downloaded, shared, and copied. But how can enterprises put NFT royalties to work to win customers and stand out in the market?

Attract Creators

Companies want to partner with makers to promote their business. NFT royalties offer a new tool they can use to attract and reward creative talent. This can give enterprises a leg up when it comes to attracting people with built in audiences.

Whether we’re talking about a media company that offers artists a new way to monetize art or a company that wants to partner with an artist to create NFTs for promotional purposes, smart contract-powered royalties are a new tool for doing business.

Create Stickiness with Users

NFT royalties don’t have to reward only the creators. Say you’re a large company issuing an NFT. Your goal is to gain attention and remain top of mind. NFT royalties can encourage people to share, as a contract can trigger a reward to the first buyer when a second person buys the NFT, and so on. Allowing individuals to share in the success, reach, or virality of a campaign is a great way to create stickiness in the market.  

Open Revenue Streams

Goods for money is the old way of doing business. A product was sold and if a consumer decided to sell it later the company that made the product had no part in that secondary sale. The NFT space gives companies  a new way to do business. Using blockchain, smart contracts, and NFTs a company can profit from the full lifespan of a digital product.

Might this ability to share in secondary revenues encourage companies to create longer lasting, quality products? Planned obsolescence could be a thing of the past if the goal is to encourage recirculation of goods.

Increase Collaboration

NFTs in the gaming space get a lot of attention. A brand can issue a character, accessory, or reward as an NFT and retain a measure of ownership if that item is resold. But NFT royalties and the control that smart contracts allow encourage a more collaborative market. What if gamers were encouraged to use a platform to mint assets of their own design and the resale of those assets made payments to the platform? We also wrote about a play-to-earn platform where drivers, fans, and a platform share in value gained by game-won NFTs.

NFT royalties make decentralization less about separating and siloing, and more about finding unique ways to share in the value of ideas.

Common Questions

How do NFT royalties work across different blockchain platforms, and are there any interoperability challenges?

NFT royalties are implemented through smart contracts that automate the payment of royalties to creators for secondary sales. However, the execution and standards for these smart contracts can vary significantly across different blockchain platforms, leading to interoperability challenges.

For instance, an NFT minted on Ethereum might not automatically carry its royalty information if transferred to another blockchain that uses a different standard for NFTs and royalties. This discrepancy can result in lost royalty payments unless there are bridges or protocols in place to translate and enforce these rules across platforms.

The industry is moving towards standardization and interoperability solutions, but it's an ongoing challenge that requires collaboration and technical innovation among blockchain networks.

What legal challenges could arise from implementing NFT royalties, especially in jurisdictions with differing intellectual property laws?

The decentralized and global nature of NFTs introduces legal challenges, particularly when it comes to intellectual property laws that vary by jurisdiction.

One major issue is the enforcement of NFT royalties across countries with different legal standards for digital assets and copyright.

For instance, some jurisdictions may not legally recognize smart contract agreements, complicating the enforcement of NFT royalties.

Additionally, the anonymity common in blockchain transactions can make it difficult to resolve disputes or enforce legal agreements.

Creators and businesses must navigate these complexities carefully, potentially by seeking legal advice to ensure that their NFT royalty agreements are compliant and enforceable in the jurisdictions where they operate.

How can businesses and creators ensure the enforceability of NFT royalties, particularly in peer-to-peer transactions or on decentralized platforms?

Ensuring the enforceability of NFT royalties in decentralized environments poses a challenge, as traditional legal and regulatory frameworks may not directly apply.

One approach is to use smart contracts that are designed to be self-enforcing, with the royalty payment terms embedded within the NFT's code.

However, this requires widespread adoption of standards that support such features across platforms and wallets to ensure that royalties are consistently paid out, regardless of where the NFT is sold.

Additionally, creators and businesses can leverage decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) or engage in platforms that have built-in support for royalty enforcement.

While technology provides tools for automating and enforcing royalties, the ultimate effectiveness often depends on community norms, platform policies, and the broader adoption of compatible standards across the blockchain ecosystem.

Final Thoughts

NFT royalties are essential for businesses, enabling creators to earn ongoing revenue from their digital assets beyond the initial sale. This continuous income stream incentivizes artists, content creators, and developers to produce high-quality, valuable digital goods, fostering innovation across industries like art, gaming, and entertainment. By implementing NFT royalties, businesses can establish fair compensation models that enhance the value of their platforms and maintain long-term relationships with creators. While questions around intellectual property, taxation, and inheritance need addressing, the potential of NFT royalties to generate new income streams and empower creators is undeniable. Kaleido’s platform makes creating NFTs at scale, gas-free, easier than ever.

Interested in learning more? Start with our tutorial on minting NFTs using the Kaleido platform or check out a recent webinar from our solution architects that outlines how our platform works.

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