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Product Announcements June 2020

Product Announcements June 2020
Since this post was written, Hyperledger FireFly has reached 1.0. Learn more here!

Last month Kaleido released many new, exciting features and updates of our enterprise blockchain platform, including support for Corda version 4.4. Below you’ll find highlights of these product updates, with some technical overviews and links to related content.

Corda now available on Kaleido 

Kaleido now supports Corda OS (open source) version 4.4, with support for Corda Enterprise coming soon. Corda is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) custom designed by R3 for enterprise use, with privacy as the foundational principle. Read more in the Kaleido docs. For an overview of the benefits of Corda, read this blog. For a demo of Corda on Kaleido, watch this video

Kaleido’s V2 UI

Kaleido launched a V2 of our UI, a revamp which includes a new console and navigation bar, an easy button for deploying smart contracts, direct access to the Blockchain Application Firewall, enhanced token creation process, and more.  Sign up or login to see the new console.

Product Updates

Blockchain Application Firewall Icon

Blockchain Application Firewall GA

Provides rich options for authentication and authorization of application connections to your blockchain resources, including OAuth, multi-tenancy, and signing key control. Learn more.
Token Factory Icon

New Token Factory

Now seamlessly integrated with our unique Smart Contract Management feature. So you know the exact github commit of the token code deployed, and providing enhanced REST APIs and Event Streaming. Learn more.
Quorum Icon

Quorum 2.5

Highlight of this release is an improvement to how the maximum code size for your chain is applied via Kaleido’s unique automated hard fork process. Learn more.
Health and Monitoring Icon

Health and Monitoring

Fix problems faster with the new dedicated Blockchain and runtime views. Learn more.
Address Book Icon

Address Book

See all resources, on-chain and off-chain addresses, split down by each member organization. Learn more.
Data Explorer Icon

Data Explorer

Check out the rebooted Block and Token explorers, now with input/output data views and more.
Private Stack Icon

Private Stack Network Bridge GA

Kaleido borderless blockchains are built to span multiple cloud providers, and private networks. Our network bridge component uses industry standard secure cloud network bridging technology, to route traffic to and from the Kaleido backbone network. Use it today to connect applications to your Corda nodes, and contact us about our PrivateStack sponsor user program for Ethereum.
Start/Stop Node Icon

Start/Stop Node

Provides a safe way to stop individual nodes in an Ethereum blockchain network for extended periods of time, without affecting the stability of the consensus algorithm. Learn more.
Terraform Icon

CLI & Terraform provider enhancements

We’ve made a number of improvements to our CLI and Terraform provider, based on customer requests. These include support for advanced blockchain configuration, and new services like Cloud HSM signer, and Blockchain Application Firewall.
Node Icon

Node status enhancements for extra info

Kaleido provides automated hard forks of chains to apply new EIPs, such as applying Constantinople to an existing chain. We’ve enhanced the node status APIs to help track the need for this upgrade, as well as the status as the upgrade rolls out across the network. Learn more.

Performance tuning parameters for REST API gateway

We’ve now made the process of tuning the REST API Gateway and Kafka transaction delivery tier self-service via our API. We’ve also added new options for parallel transaction signing, that integrates with our Cloud HSM Signer to maximise throughput when sending high volumes via a small number of organization signing keys. Learn more.

In case you missed it: other recent product updates

CloudHSM Icon

CloudHSM service and configuration

Kaleido’s CloudHSM Signer service allows you to sign transactions using off-platform keys, while benefiting from a fully-managed signing experience including nonce management and REST APIs. The following backends are supported: AWS CloudHSM, Azure Key Vault, and Hashicorp Vault with Ethereum Signing extension. Read the blog to learn more.
Apps and Integrations Icon

Multi-region support for App2App Messaging and Document Exchange

Kaleido extends its multi-region deployment functionality to App2App Messaging and Document Exchange services. This enables sending messages and transfer of documents between service instances deployed in different regions within multi-region environments.

To keep up with future updates, keep an eye out for our release notes page, where we’ll continue posting regular updates which have some more specific details.

If you’d like to explore what you can do with Kaleido, get started for free.

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Swift Utilizes Kaleido in New CBDC Sandbox

Learn how Swift, the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services, utilizes Kaleido in its CBDC Sandbox project.

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