Pin state proofs from your private chain to public Ethereum networks for ultimate immutability.
Pinning your Kaleido chain to the Public Ethereum network gives you history re-write protection from thousands of public Ethereum nodes, while retaining the privacy of a private chain. The Kaleido Public Ethereum Tether pins your Kaleido chain by writing immutable checkpoint block hashes at regular intervals, with individual signatures from your nodes.
You also have the option to pin your Kaleido chain to a Rinkeby Testnet to test your smart contract solutions without paying fees.
The Kaleido Public Tether service supports sending the state hash reports to the Ethereum MainNet, or for testing purposes, one of the test networks where free Ethers can be acquired.
Once you fund your Kaleido Ethereum public account, you supply the Ethereum account used by the service via a secured workflow, and maintain full control of the private signing key. As a result, you can manage the account in exactly the same way as with a regular cryptocurrency wallet.
You can freely control the service to start and stop sending the state hash reports, and change the interval of sending reports, based on the business needs and to accommodate transaction volume fluctuation. For example, if you need high transaction throughput, you’ll want to tether every hour, and when fewer transactions are necessary, you can reduce your transaction intervals to daily.
The Public Ethereum Tether is an environmental utility service that allows for synchronized views of the chain, designated via a block hash, to be signed by each node and periodically (based on a specified configuration) relayed to a public Ethereum network. This subsequently creates an irrefutable state proof of the private network at that point in time.
Counter against collusion and add assurances to the historical finality of confirmed transactions by appending collectively signed state proofs of a private Kaleido chain to a public Ethereum network.
The public Ethereum blockchain network, a.k.a the “MainNet,” is a highly secure system to store immutable data. Thanks to the large number of fully decentralized nodes (20,000+) operating on the network and its proof of work consensus implementation, it is very improbable to revert a confirmed transaction.
This makes Ethereum MainNet the ideal place to store the root hash of a permissioned blockchain state so that any attempt to rewrite historical data (such as by a compromised or malicious participant) in the blockchain or its state database will be readily detectable.
The main benefit to considering state pinning stems from the fact that permissioned blockchains are more susceptible to collusion than Ethereum MainNet, due to the much smaller number of “signing” nodes whose digital signatures on blocks are used to provide immutability.