Launch a Hyperledger Fabric Chain in Seconds

And build 10x faster with the most complete suite of blockchain development accelerators anywhere.

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Hyperledger Fabric setup screen

Your Easy Button for Creating Hyperledger Fabric Solutions

Instant Flexible Networks

Deploy multi-region, multi-cloud Hyperledger Fabric networks on the clouds of your choice or on-prem with just a few clicks

500+ APIs and Pre-Built Services

Build 10x faster with a fully API-enabled platform and plug-and-play services for wallets, smart contract management, event streams, storage and more.

Powerful Digital Asset Capabilities

Create new digital assets or tokenize real world assets with a full suite of tools for launching, managing and tracking tokens of any type.

Enterprise-Grade Infrastructure

Scale up on infrastructure built for the enterprise with ISO 27K and SOC 2 Type 2 certifications, modern cloud scale architecture, HA/DR, SLAs, and 24x7 support options.

“Leveraging Kaleido’s blockchain platform enabled us to significantly accelerate our prototype development allowing us to essentially spin up a blockchain infrastructure without having to build it from scratch.”

Tom Savel, MD
Branch Chief of Emerging Technology and Design Acceleration, CDC

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Create an account in less than 1 minute and start creating blockchain and web3 solutions. No credit card required!

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