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Web3 Storage: Navigating the Next-Generation Options

Marc Lewis
Managing Editor
November 9, 2023
Web3 Storage: Navigating the Next-Generation Options
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Are you ready to break free from the complexities of traditional data storage? In today's digital age, navigating the landscape of web3 storage options isn't just important—it's transformative. Whether you're a developer craving resilient, censorship-resistant solutions, a startup architecting the next big decentralized app, or an enthusiast exploring the frontier of blockchain and file storage, this guide is your compass.

We're diving deep into the realm of distributed file systems, decentralized storage networks, and blockchain-based data solutions. Our goal? To demystify these technologies, empower your understanding, and equip you to make informed decisions.

We'll cover various types of web3 storage, including:

  • On-Chain Storage: Embracing security at the cost of speed and expense.
  • Off-Chain Decentralized Storage: Balancing availability with privacy in a connected world.
  • Off-Chain Private Storage: Navigating the complexities of data correlation and network connectivity in multi-party setups.

We'll compare these different kinds of storage based on performance and help you decide what's right for your needs.

On-Chain Storage

On-chain storage refers to the practice of storing data directly on the blockchain, leveraging its inherent security features but at the cost of speed and expense. This method ensures maximum immutability and transparency since data stored on-chain is replicated across all nodes in the network, making it highly resistant to tampering or censorship.

Due to the decentralized nature and consensus mechanisms of blockchains like Ethereum, storing large amounts of data on-chain can be slow and expensive, as each node must process and store the data perpetually.

Developers opt for on-chain storage when prioritizing data integrity and trustlessness, particularly for critical information such as transaction records or smart contract states.

Despite its drawbacks in terms of scalability and cost-effectiveness for large-scale data storage, on-chain solutions remain indispensable for applications requiring the highest level of security and verifiability, ensuring that every piece of information stored is securely anchored in the immutable ledger of the blockchain.

Off-Chain Decentralized Storage

Off-chain decentralized storage strikes a balance between accessibility and privacy within interconnected digital ecosystems. Unlike on-chain storage, which directly embeds data into the blockchain, off-chain decentralized storage involves storing data across a network of decentralized nodes or servers. This approach ensures high availability and faster access to data, as it's not constrained by the limitations of blockchain transaction speeds or costs.

One of the key advantages of off-chain decentralized storage is its ability to handle large volumes of data efficiently while maintaining user privacy. Data is stored in a distributed manner across multiple nodes, which enhances resilience against failures and cyber attacks compared to centralized storage solutions. However, it also introduces considerations around data security and governance, as access controls and encryption methods are crucial to safeguard sensitive information.

Organizations and applications seeking to balance data availability with privacy often favor off-chain decentralized storage. It supports use cases such as content delivery networks (CDNs), decentralized applications (dApps), and platforms requiring rapid data retrieval without compromising on user confidentiality or regulatory compliance. By decentralizing storage, this approach contributes to a more resilient and scalable digital infrastructure while preserving data sovereignty and privacy rights.

Types of Decentralized Storage Solutions

Off-chain decentralized storage solutions include IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and Filecoin, among other. They distribute files across a network of nodes rather than centralizing them on servers.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)


  • Decentralization: Files are stored across a distributed network of nodes, reducing reliance on centralized servers.
  • Content Addressing: Data is identified by its content rather than its location, enabling efficient retrieval and redundancy.
  • Censorship Resistance: Difficult to censor or remove content once stored on the network.


  • Data Availability: Relies on nodes to store and share data, which can impact availability.
  • Speed: Retrieval speeds can vary depending on the distribution and availability of nodes.
  • Data Privacy: Content stored on IPFS may not be inherently private without additional encryption layers.



  • Incentivized Storage: Miners are rewarded with Filecoin tokens for storing and retrieving data, ensuring high availability.
  • Marketplace Model: Allows users to choose storage providers based on price and reliability.
  • Data Integrity: Utilizes cryptographic proofs to verify data storage and retrieval.


  • Complexity: Requires understanding of cryptocurrency and blockchain concepts for effective use.
  • Cost: Storage costs can vary based on market demand and miner pricing strategies.
  • Adoption Challenges: Early stages of development may lead to limited provider options and infrastructure.

Off-chain decentralized storage solutions like IPFS and Filecoin represent a shift towards distributed and resilient data storage infrastructures. While IPFS focuses on content addressing and decentralized distribution, Filecoin introduces a marketplace model incentivizing storage providers. Other solutions in this space contribute diverse features and capabilities, catering to specific needs across industries and applications in the evolving landscape of decentralized technologies.

Off-chain Private Storage Solutions

Off-chain private storage solutions encompass traditional cloud-based and legacy data storage options designed for secure and controlled access.

AWS S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service)


  • Scalability: Easily scalable storage solution with high availability.
  • Durability: Data is redundantly stored across multiple devices and facilities within an AWS region.
  • Security Features: Access controls, encryption, and compliance certifications ensure data security.


  • Cost: Pricing can accumulate based on storage volume, data transfer, and additional features.
  • Vendor Lock-in: Dependence on AWS services can limit flexibility and increase switching costs.

Azure Blob Store


  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Azure services and applications.
  • Security and Compliance: Offers robust security features and compliance certifications.
  • Scalability: Scales automatically to handle growing amounts of data.


  • Cost Structure: Pricing models can be complex, potentially leading to unexpected charges.
  • Learning Curve: Requires familiarity with Azure's ecosystem and services for optimal use.

PostgreSQL and Other Databases


  • Data Management: Structured data storage with powerful querying capabilities.
  • Transaction Support: ACID-compliant transactions ensure data integrity.
  • Flexibility: Supports various data types and relational data models.


  • Scalability Challenges: Scaling horizontally can be complex compared to NoSQL databases.
  • Operational Overhead: Requires ongoing maintenance and management.
  • Performance: Query performance can degrade with complex joins and large datasets.

Other Off-chain Private Storage Solutions

Pros of each solution include tailored features such as specific data management capabilities, integration options, and industry-specific compliance, while cons may involve challenges like data privacy concerns, regulatory compliance, and operational complexities depending on the chosen solution.

Choosing the Right Web3 Storage

Selecting the appropriate storage for a web3 project involves weighing various factors such as cost, performance, security, and compliance.

As you choose the right web3 storage solution for your use case, here are a few questions you can ask to guide your selection:

  • How decentralized is the storage solution? Is it resistant to censorship and single points of failure?
  • How does the network ensure that data remains available over time? What mechanisms are in place to prevent data loss?
  • What is the pricing model? How does it compare to traditional cloud storage services in terms of cost-effectiveness?
  • What are the expected speeds for data retrieval and upload? How does it perform under high load or during network congestion?
  • What security measures are in place? How is data encrypted and who holds the keys?
  • Can the storage scale with the needs of a project? How does it handle large amounts of data or high traffic?
  • How well does it integrate with existing DApps or smart contracts? Is there support for multiple programming languages or frameworks?
  • Does the storage solution comply with data sovereignty and privacy regulations like GDPR or HIPAA?

In navigating the diverse landscape of decentralized storage solutions, each option—from on-chain to off-chain decentralized and off-chain private storage—brings unique benefits and challenges. While decentralized solutions like IPFS and AWS S3 offer scalability and security, the integration and compliance complexities can pose significant hurdles.

At Kaleido, we bridge these gaps by providing a seamless solution for correlating private and off-chain data stores with transactions. Our innovative approach ensures that businesses can achieve unparalleled data visibility and integrity, essential for regulatory compliance and operational efficiency. Whether you're safeguarding sensitive information or optimizing decentralized applications, our expertise ensures that every data point aligns with its transaction context, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence

To learn more about web3 storage and speak to one of our solution architects about what's best for your use case, schedule a call with one of our solution architects today.

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